I had recently visited Patna after 11 years and was there mainly to visit family. We had flown in from Dehradun to Patna with a stop in Delhi. Anyway I was there for three weeks. There were alot of other places that I could have visited near Patna but maybe in next trip but during this trip, I had made two visits to Sanjay Gandhi Biological Park. It is also know as Patna zoo and is located off Bailey Road in Patna. The zoo houses over 800 animals and birds but it was not possible to photography every single animal there.
However here are some of my favourite images which I shot during those two days in Patna zoo. I mainly focused on the big cats and bears and elephants and to get the shot I needed, I had spent around an hour photographing each animal. This gave me the opportunity to observe and photograph their behaviour. It was well worth the time and wildlife photography even in a zoo setting requires alot of patience.