Photographing Mallard Chicks at Sandwell Park

Spring is a good time to photograph wildlife and natureĀ  and is a time when new life emerges. The Spring season can be full of surprises and this will provide good opportunities for the nature and wildlife photographer.

It is during one of these days I was out to capture some local wildlife at Sandwell Park in West Bromwich that I encountered Mallard duckling chicks. It was a great experience watching them at a close distance without scaring them away. Here is a selection of images I shot on that day.

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Photo Walking Safari at Chitwan National Park

After Mera Peak trek and climb, I still had a few days in Nepal so had decided to visit Chitwan National Park in Sauraha district. I wanted my trip to be different compared to what regular tourists do when they visit Chitwan National Park. I was wanting to arrange a walking safari within Chitwan. Rajan Khatri from Visit Himalaya Treks was very helpful in organizing this trip. I was set to stay in Chitwan for 3 nights.

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Using Photography as a Tool to Raise Awareness about Wildlife

Abhishek_Deepak_Wildlife_May_England_15_141483Photography is one of the best ways to raise awareness about endangered wildlife. Conservation photography may be something you have never heard of. It has been around for a long time, but just recently got an official name. Using images to make people aware of, and respond to, environmental issues works great to get these issues noticed. Almost all photographers will agree that nature and natural areas are vital to not only the environment, but also to those of us who love photography.

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